Sunday, September 19, 2010

End of Summer Party

This Saturday the Hertziana, together with the American Academy, the British Academy, and one other Institute that I can't remember, threw a party to celebrate (or mourn) the end of summer.  It was held in the courtyard of the Palazzo Strogonaff, which is an area that I can go to anytime I please and eat lunch if I wish.

The party started at 8:30, but knowing this is Italy we assumed nothing would really get started until an hour later, so we showed up around 10pm.  Oops!  We forgot that these are the Germans, and so apparently the party started on the dot, but it was still in full-swing when we got there.

With Carly and Liz, both of whom are at the American Academy for the next two years.  Carly is a fellow grad student at Rutgers and Liz was a Fulbright last year.

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