Saturday, May 7, 2011

Beatification of JPII

On Sunday May 1st, John Paul II was beatified, meaning he was given the title of "Blessed" and became one step closer in becoming a saint.  There were huge gatherings at the Vatican all weekend, culminating on Sunday with several prayers and celebrations, and who knows what else.  I didn't want to be anywhere near the area on Sunday, but I met with Emily 2 for lunch on Saturday afternoon and caught a glimpse of the preparations and chaos for the big day.

Army medical tents being set up in nearby Piazza Risorgimento.  I'm not quite sure what they were expecting.  Fainting nuns perhaps?

Bleachers at the end of Via Conciliazione.

Aerial shots of the big day from the newspaper La Reppublica.

This shot is awesome-- it shows the crowds all along Via Conciliazione, gathered around Castel Sant'Angelo, along side streets, and in Piazza Risorgimento.  Basically the whole area around St Peter's was filled.

I think I read 1.5 million people showed up?

And this is exactly what the piazza was made for: huge gatherings, although I'm not sure if Bernini ever anticipate quite so many people.

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