Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Another day trip last summer was with Nick and Jasmine to Tarquinia to see some ancient Etruscan tombs.  There is still quite a bit that we don't know about the Etruscans, for example, where they came from, but we do know that they were one of the earliest civilizations on the Italian peninsula before the founding of Rome.  I find their art and culture fascinating (and love their style of jewelry!).  From an art historical point of view they are especially well-known for their sarcophagi, of which there are several beautiful surviving examples.

Small towns like Tarquinia are dead on Sundays

The scorched Lazio countryside in mid-summer

A tomb mound.  The air vent and roof to the left are modern additions.

Walking down to explore


More frescoes!

To give you an idea of what was placed inside of these tombs, this is one of the more famous extant Etruscan sarcophagi, now in the Villa Giulia in Rome 

Of course Nick and Jasmine had to recreate it

My interpretation, on top of one of the tomb mounds

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