Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Egypt, day 3: Medinet Habu

Our last leg of the tour was the Temple of Medinet Habu, built by Ramesses III. It was much less crowded than the other sites we hit and so we were able to see it in relative peace, which of course made it that much more enjoyable. Although technically not the best preserved temple (that honor is awarded to the Temple of Horus), its carvings are extremely well preserved. I think it is one of my favorite sites that we visited.

On-going excavations

Like the Temple of Karnak, this one is also a pylon, or gated temple

The carved hieroglyphs here are extremely deep

So much so that small birds were happy to make their homes within some of the carvings

Our guide. She was very friendly but pretty useless.

Inside one of the priest's sanctuaries

We had to pay a little backsheesh (a bribe) to see it

Notice how deep the carving is in places? Incredible!

Here is our little group. Besides the 5 of us there was a young Irish couple and our guide.

Ramesses smiting an enemy

Ramesses on his chariot

Huge hieroglyphs

Every surface was decorated

And so much of the original pigment survives

Thoth, the ibis-headed ancient god of astronomy (among other things). With Isis, he is one of the figures (depicted in human form) painted on the ceiling in the Sala Bologna.

My favorite donkey of the trip

So cute! :)

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